Earth Speaks
In 2024, industrialist values have led to the degradation of the history and health of our original mother, the land we call home. Pollution, depletion and the impact of our violent past, leaves question marks about the future of the earth and us along with it. Frustrated and desperate to be heard, the land finally finds its voice. And it’s got a bone to pick. From the perspective of mother earth herself, On Which We Stand turns back the clock to comedically unpack our imperialist roots and inspire positive action toward a socially and environmentally equitable future.
With the express intention to reinvigorate the traditional land acknowledgment, On Which We Stand comes to life as a fully produced piece of interactive hybrid theatre. Using live performance, video and audience interaction this piece thinks and exist outside of the box to more effectively and creatively engage its audience around the important and poignant subject matter in question. Its goal is to through entertainment, raise awareness about our history and its significance as it pertains to the land, on which we stand.